Class: Mammals
Superorder: Carnivore
Order: Fisipede
Family: mustelides
Species: Martes foina
Stone marten (regional: Beica) keys prefer deep, narrow places where you can easily hide among the ragged rocks. The lowland forests can be seen on the outskirts, near the houses of stone quarries or warehouses near the wood, and even in parks and gardens. Moreover, marten likes to be around human settlements, frame it finds it easier to eat and where it feels safe.
Typically, marten lives in low and medium altitudes. In higher regions not only summer adventures, his place being taken at the altitude of another species, Martes martes - marten. In fact, the two species are very similar and their dimensions vary significantly: about 60-70 cm long - for stone marten and 80 cm - for the forest (a quarter of which is the length of the tail). However, although they have similar fur, wide coloristic, there is a detaliucare them apart. It is under the neck collar, which is an off-white Martes foina and extends to the top of the front legs and the Martes martes is yellow and nebifurcat to the limbs. There are of course other differences in anatomical order, but this is the most obvious.
Jderului legs are short, but agile and strong, enabling it to make long jumps when fleeing. It can climb in trees (but not as good as marten), using the curved claws, un-retractable, but well developed in all fingers.
Like all predatory carnivores or both stone marten and the forest mark their territory by means of secretions produced by some special glands, runny whose smell is very strong. These trace chemicals left on rocks or tree trunk and even on the ground, have a precise meaning - "is occupied" - and is an accurate way of reconciliation and intra organization.
A change in behavior
These secretions have, however, a sexual function. During mating, which usually occurs in August lunileiulie, marten give up prudence and sobriety which characterizes and adopt a behavior usually rather playful, playful.
In April-May of the following year, after a gestation of about 8-9 months (although the actual fixing of pregnancy does not occur only about two months before calving time), the female gives birth to 3-5 puppies (rarely 8) whose average weight is 30 grams. The well-lined den and placed in a position to provide the best protection, the mother takes care that puppies be fed on time and place to stay as clean. Puppies are breastfed for 8 weeks, but already after 6 weeks they will be accustomed gradually and with a different food - small birds and mice. Only after they reached 44 days, the chicks out for the first time in the shelter, but were not allowed to depart too much from him, and when they do, however, in the neck and are restored to order. Soon the cubs begin to commit some games that we could also call initiation, during which they learn to attack or defend, attitudes they will need when the time comes to live on their own feet. At the age of two months, marten chickens are now starting to spread these chemical signals that we talked about, a way-and confirming the presence of native territory.
In the late summer, life under the protection of the mother ends: chickens are now independent and arrange for their territory, but not too far from the one where they were born.
Marten has a not so enviable reputation, although those who have carefully studied them ... find some mitigating circumstances. In fact, the marten is a very skillful hunter. Though not as agile as the marten, when climbing in trees, on the ground it proves a very good runner, and being able to swim.
Studies on "diet" revealed his that although its base is the meat consumption of small mammals, birds, insects and even reptiles (rarely, fish), marten often resort (and still a high percentage) to vegetable.
When you live close to human settlements, marten may prove quite useful man as happy hunting mice and rats. Of course, can not bear not to go winter and cages with birds or pigeon houses, but this is another matter. When he manages to bring in a cage, marten can kill up to 10-15 birds, which, they say it, they suck blood, then falls asleep at the scene, which is found in the morning by the owner defrauded. It is rather a story, for if this happens just sometimes, it is not necessarily due to a kind of instinct sanguinaria, but rather frame the drama happens: a closed, including birds, paralyzed by fear, not As they exit, falling prey to the intruder. A similar attack directed against one flock of pheasants (puppies and adults) has a very different end: marten grabs its prey, one, all other birds escaped by running away. To conclude: Jderului transformation into a vampire as pure invention. Drowsiness that includes aftermath of the massacre is still a normal reaction to a carnivore now full.
One of the great pleasures of food marten, especially the female during pregnancy is the eggs (chicken or pheasant) per acre while hiding in one of the annexes shelter. To buy them, marten is able to beat long way after egg in his mouth running longer distances than a kilometer!
Usually hunts at night when the little animal that feeds on sleep to be less vigilant. Among its natural enemies include harrier, golden eagle, wild cat, owl (who's attacking chickens), and the fox or dog. It is understood that the man should be added as the "regulator" demographic various animal populations at enemies list, especially when the marten lives near the man, but when the latter it hunts for its fur, beautiful and soft , although not comparable to that of other species from the same family.
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