vineri, 5 iunie 2015


PANDA BEAR is also known as bamboo bear due rexclusivist feed regime, is very sensitive to changes in habitat.

Pandas once occupied much of China, northern Burma and Vietnam as well. But climate change and human population growth primarily drove these regions. At present, past bamboo bears live in six areas of southwest China. Some parts of these mountain regions, isolated from one another, are nature reserves, but almost half the population of pandas living outside protected areas. Although impermeable mountains, with a mild climate, subtropical, are their favorite habitat for life. Panda people live in regions very high, reaching up to 4000 meters altitude.

Pandas have a round face, with white fur, specific, black ears and black marks around the eyes. Deasemenaea limbs and shoulders are black. Females weigh around 80 kg, while males reach a weight of 85-125 kg and a height of 180 cm.

Giant pandas almost exclusively eat bamboo leaves and shoots. To get enough of this nutrient-poor food, need 30 kg per day. This means you have to eat 16 hours a day, consuming and sometimes plant bulbs, roots, eggs and small mammals. Bamboo extreme dependence as food smile panda makes an extremely vulnerable species. As a result, many plants in the region die if they live away after mass bloom -a phenomenon that occurs at intervals of between 30-40 years. In the past panda could turn to other types of bamboo, the lower regions, but now these areas have been cleared. As lifestyle pandas are solitary and spend almost the entire day eating. The retreat into caves or in trees tall to sleep. Although they are active all year, their movements are very slow because of the vegetarian diet low in nutrients.

Female panda becomes capable of reproduction after 3 or 4 years of life. During the mating period, between April and May, both sexes leave scent marks on rocks and trees. Sometimes several males fight for a female. Bears roar out during mating. Once every two or three years, a female born one or two chicks the size of hamsters, after a gestation period of between 3 and 6 months. The children weigh only 75-150 grams and needing constant warmth and care; usually only one survives. The offspring become independent at the age of 18 months. Pandas have a very low reproductive rate, many young bears die for reasons still unknown.

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