vineri, 5 iunie 2015

Rasul wild animal - Linx pardinus

Rasul wild animal - Linx pardinus

Laughter is also called panther Carpathians and is naturally spread from the Alps to the Danube Delta, with great versatility and ecological amplitude. Today, however, the specimens outside the Carpathians and Sub-Carpathians are very rare, due to uncontrolled hunting practiced in centuries XX - XXI.
It is a carnivorous animal lover and blood hunted animals consuming the first significant blood mass organs (heart, liver, lungs). Extremely agile and intelligent, moving unheard extremely difficult to observe the unknown. They hunt mostly at dusk and is favored so its fur which gives it excellent camouflage to its senses and outstanding.
To understand the power of fear to laughter, to remember that can jump from heights of over six meters directly on prey, or that after an extremely rapid rush, can destroy in a few moments a group of 2-3 deer. His leaps may take 4 m (even 6 m). It also has highly developed hearing and smell, and it is especially good sight.
This allows him to feel extremely efficient and day, although usually is active in the evening and night. One thing less known is the fact that laughter can be tamed. In such cases it manifests dog fidelity girl who raised him, even if he was allowed more freedom.
Ras last that I saw in freedom was in Zona Oeste -Arges respective communal forests.

WHO meets a RAS do not forget, not for nothing they call


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