sâmbătă, 30 mai 2015

Wild pig or boar

Wild pig or boar

Origin boar

Pigs are a wild animal, mammal and omnivorous. His area includes spreading across Europe, North Africa, much of Asia, stretching south to Indonesia. In Romania inhabits forests and meadows Danube delta starting until desisuriel Carpathians.

Wild boar is the ancestor of domestic pigs, part of the family Suidae, the scientific name is scrofa attila. Regional is also known as the glycan (Transylvania), wild pig. Males are called boars strong and piglets gruntling or plump.

Rarely met in verses devoted to forest life forms, but often mentioned in stories vinatoresti tasty, wild boars! labeled a "terrible beasts", is considered a symbol of invincible power, the violence and wilderness.
 wild boar big animal

Boar Feeds
Pigs prefer forests with tree species producing fruit, oak and beech, with thickets for food and shelter. It needs wetlands, stagnant water. It is an omnivorous animal, feeding on roots and underground stems, berries, agricultural plants, larvae, frames, gastropods, eggs bird corpses. In general 85% of its food is vegetable and 15% animal.

Appearance boar
It is a robust animal, reaching 2 m body length in males and females 1.5m. The tail has a length of 15-20 cm, and the top has a hairy tuft May. At withers reaches a height up to one meter. The snout is long and strong, finished with a cartilage disc that are placed in the nostrils boar. Teeth to be strong, very developed canines. Here they are recurved, with triangular section and length up to 28 cm, implanted in the lower jaw, about two thirds of their length, forming a redoubtable defense weapon. The skin is rough and thickened, and it is a defense weapon.

Each foot has four toes each, of which two well-developed, with strong hooves and the other two are rudimentary and placed on the front of the foot, like spurs. Adult coat is made of long, stiff bristles, cut to the top. On the neck, along the cord, grow a mane made from long, stiff bristles.

The behavior of the boar
Among the most developed senses are smell and hearing, sight is weaker. Its activity is mainly nocturnal. Pigs show an association instinct in groups called herd, led by older sows. Males mature but prefer solitary life.

In general, wild boar omuldecit not attack when the strait was cornered and hurt and the man is in the immediate vicinity. Finely moving trap, abundant, which can pariurge distances in search of food. If necessary run and gallop, but short distances. swim well, but only forced by circumstances.

Reproduction Boar
Pigs show an association instinct in groups called herd, led by older sows. Males mature but prefer solitary life. Mating period is winter, between November - December. Gestation lasts 17 weeks, after which each sow has 5-10 piglets that remains until November next year. The sow good care of their offspring, defending them against enemies. Here are the wolf, lynx, bear sometimes. Among the diseases most dangerous is swine.

duminică, 24 mai 2015

the fox

The fox is omnivorous mammal, small to medium size, placed systematically into the family Canidae, along with wolf, dog, jackal, raccoon and so on.

Although the fox is usually considered - automatically - be red, its color actually present a great variety (from red to white and gray lit). It speaks, as a result, the existence of three varieties of fox: birch (chest, ventral and tail whitish and yellowish sides) with cross (which has a black stripe on the back, which is crossed by the forelegs; the most common) and bellied (chest, neck, abdomen and tail gray or black-gray and black feet). There are also intermediate varieties, in many cases very difficult to distinguish certain types of dogs fox

Fox is smaller than common dog and obviously less than the wolf. It has between 7 and 10 kg, seldom more. The body has less than 1 m long and 30-40 cm bushy tail.

Body fox is not great, being quite similar to the dog, but stands out due to long bushy tail, which has a white tip. The fur is reddish. The fox eats most small mammals: shrews, ground squirrels, beavers, lemmings, squirrels, rabbits etc. Detects prey without even see it (by smell or by sound), but did not pursue it, but salt on his front paws, cats. Most foxes often kill more than they can eat at one table and bury them abound, and will return at another time with "supplies".

Pups are born in underground burrows once a year, from March to May. Typically, five brothers are born, but extreme cases were studied: one chicken or 12 - from a single birth! Fox pups are blind at birth, their eyes are opened only after the second week of life. Parents are very careful with the little ones: the mother is always around chickens to protect them and the father goes hunting to provide food for the whole family. It is mature, for the first month only feed chicks sucking milk from their mother. Since the second month of fox cubs to hunt are taken by adults to start their first attempts on their own.

Considered in the past "devouring chickens" they were hunted foxes cruelly years. Another reason people have not looked sympathetically on foxes is that they spread - especially in rural areas - some very serious diseases, including rabies. Especially mammals may be affected by the foxes are in direct contact, but the disease can be transmitted and human bite either directly by or through birds in the yard.

sâmbătă, 23 mai 2015

Ursidele -Ursidae- or bears


Ursidele -Ursidae- or bears is a family of large carnivorous mammals of the suborder fispede, Holarctic species widespread in the region, with some species in South America. They are omnivorous animals of large, bulky and heavy, with short tail and usually hidden in the fur brushes, round head, elongated snout and usually truncated, short neck and thick, short ears and eyes relatively small. The feet have five toes fitted with powerful claws, hooked and un-retractable. Their Walking plantigrad.Urşii are strongholds of large carnivores, bulky, heavy and cumbersome. Malaysian Bear (Helarctos malayanus) is the smallest representative of the family: body length 1.2-1.5 m, weight 27-70 kg). The brown bear has a length of 2 m and a weight of 150-250 kg, while the polar bear 2.4-2.7 m in length and a weight of 400-590 kg. The highest representative is the grizzly with a length of 2.8 m and a weight of 780 kg, which is the largest carnivorous mammal today. Males are about 1/5 larger than females. They live up to 15-30 years in free and in captivity, a polar bear lived 47 years.

Bears are generally large round head and short neck and thick. The snout is long and usually truncated and lips are moving, far detached from the gum. Ears are short, straight and rounded and relatively small eyes. The tail is short, vestigial and usually hidden in the fur brushes.

The front and rear legs, moderately long, strong and thick, have five toes fitted with large claws, powerful, curved, sharp and un-retractable, which they use to tear prey, and digging the earth. The feet, the terrestrial bears are hairy and those climbers, barren.

joi, 21 mai 2015

Tiger -Panthera tigris

Tiger -Panthera tigris- is a mammal prey felidelor family, is one of four species of the genus Panthera, representative of big cats subfamily. It is the largest feline and one of the largest terrestrial predator, the polar bear and the brown after. The dimensions of a Siberian tiger at 6 months of age are comparable to those of a leopard adultt.

Tigers are characteristic dark stripes, the location of which varies from one individual to another. The body is adapted for hunting and is equipped with powerful jaws and long fangs, night vision six times better than human and developed musculature, being able to jump from a height of up to two meters with 50 kg of meat in the teeth.

Tigers feed mainly on ungulates, but can hunt monkeys, birds, fish and even other raptors, wolves, leopards and crocodiles. Have a solitary behavior and keep in solitude territories of up to 1,000 km²; These may include different landscapes: rain forests and savannahs south and north semideşerturi and taiga.

Nine tiger subspecies are recognized (all Asian territory), of which the beginning of the XXI century have been preserved only six - a total of 3,200 individuals; the largest is the Bengal tiger, whose population makes up approx. 1,700 specimens. During the twentieth century, the tiger population has fallen by 93%, so the end of the century, the species was included in the IUCN Red List and similar documents of countries. Currently, hunting or capturing tigers is prohibited in all lumeaa.

The tiger is a symbol of power and monarchy in Asian culture. Some deities are depicted on horseback Indian tigers, thus demonstrating superiority. Tiger is one of the 12 animals of the Chinese calendar symbols. His role in world culture is reflected in its recognition as a national symbol of Malaysia, India, Bangladesh and the Republic of Korea and the most beloved animal on Earth, following a poll conducted by Animal Planett.

canis lupus wolf-Linne

canis lupus wolf-Linne

Wolf, whose scientific name Canis lupus estee-Linne, 1821 is included in terms of systematic family Canidae (canine), with dogs, fox, jackal and the raccoon. The wolf is the most widespread species of mammals living today. [Citation needed] In the past, the wolf was present throughout the northern hemisphere, successfully adapting to the different living conditions. To unravel these diverse conditions, the wolf had to learn to hunt the different varieties or insects, rodents or larger animals such as moose, musk ox or buffalo hunter .is very talented, but his way living has a major impediment: it is the direct competitor of man, and most of the area of ​​spreading lost in this unequal battle. Wolf is the largest species of the dog family (Canidae). This species is one of the seven that form the order of carnivores (Carnivora). [Citation needed] The two species of wolves are wolves (Canis lupus) and red wolf (Canis rufus). Wolf wolf subspecies are polar (CI arctos), the North American wolf (CI Lycaon), wolf lowland (CI campestris) and ordinary wolf (CI lupus).

the lion-leo

The lion (Panthera leo) is a carnivorous mammal of the family felidelor, is one of four species of the genus Panthera, representative of big cats subfamily. It is one of the largest feline and one of the largest terrestrial predator in the world (after the polar bear, brown bear and tiger).
Lion male easily recognizable due to its mane and can weigh up to 250 kg. Females are much smaller, weighing up to 150 kg. Lions live around 20 years.
Lions are carnivores that live in groups consisting of females -familii Related, Chicken of both sexes and an unrelated male who mates with the adult females. Females dealing with hunting, while males defend and maintain territorial borders. Puppies males are expelled from the group when they mature.
Although it is known as the "King of the Jungle", the lion is an animal that lives in open fields, and can be found throughout Africa. Even so, it is a species in danger significant populations being found only in the national parks in Tanzania and South Africa.

The last remaining subspecies Asian lion (Panthera leo persica), who lived in ancient Greece to India, lives in Gir Forest of northwestern India. About 300 lei live in a sanctuary in Gujarat, India
The lions have disappeared from Greece, who lived the last place in Europe by the year 100 AD, but remained significant populations in North Africa until the early twentieth century.

The lion, the fox and the donkey Aesop

The lion, the fox and the donkey had agreed to make hunting companions. Once you have caught a big booty, returning from the forest, the donkey asked the lion share one game in the right portion of each of the three partners.

Donkey prey carefully divided into three equal parts and asked them modestly, the other two to choose their desired port. Angry lion pounced on the donkey and ate it in a jiffy. Then she told fox hunting to share between them.
Fox has placed the bulk of the spoils in a heap huge, and it only stopped for a bite. Satisfied, the lion said, "Who taught you, my dear, wonderful art of sharing? Hey, you're perfect when you do such a job. " Fox replied: "I learned from the donkey, the unfortunate fate."

Moral: Happy is the man that learns from the misfortunes of others.



I opened this blog because many children do not know its name many animals and even they have seen it on this blog will find animals a few words about their life