duminică, 24 mai 2015

the fox

The fox is omnivorous mammal, small to medium size, placed systematically into the family Canidae, along with wolf, dog, jackal, raccoon and so on.

Although the fox is usually considered - automatically - be red, its color actually present a great variety (from red to white and gray lit). It speaks, as a result, the existence of three varieties of fox: birch (chest, ventral and tail whitish and yellowish sides) with cross (which has a black stripe on the back, which is crossed by the forelegs; the most common) and bellied (chest, neck, abdomen and tail gray or black-gray and black feet). There are also intermediate varieties, in many cases very difficult to distinguish certain types of dogs fox

Fox is smaller than common dog and obviously less than the wolf. It has between 7 and 10 kg, seldom more. The body has less than 1 m long and 30-40 cm bushy tail.

Body fox is not great, being quite similar to the dog, but stands out due to long bushy tail, which has a white tip. The fur is reddish. The fox eats most small mammals: shrews, ground squirrels, beavers, lemmings, squirrels, rabbits etc. Detects prey without even see it (by smell or by sound), but did not pursue it, but salt on his front paws, cats. Most foxes often kill more than they can eat at one table and bury them abound, and will return at another time with "supplies".

Pups are born in underground burrows once a year, from March to May. Typically, five brothers are born, but extreme cases were studied: one chicken or 12 - from a single birth! Fox pups are blind at birth, their eyes are opened only after the second week of life. Parents are very careful with the little ones: the mother is always around chickens to protect them and the father goes hunting to provide food for the whole family. It is mature, for the first month only feed chicks sucking milk from their mother. Since the second month of fox cubs to hunt are taken by adults to start their first attempts on their own.

Considered in the past "devouring chickens" they were hunted foxes cruelly years. Another reason people have not looked sympathetically on foxes is that they spread - especially in rural areas - some very serious diseases, including rabies. Especially mammals may be affected by the foxes are in direct contact, but the disease can be transmitted and human bite either directly by or through birds in the yard.

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