joi, 21 mai 2015

canis lupus wolf-Linne

canis lupus wolf-Linne

Wolf, whose scientific name Canis lupus estee-Linne, 1821 is included in terms of systematic family Canidae (canine), with dogs, fox, jackal and the raccoon. The wolf is the most widespread species of mammals living today. [Citation needed] In the past, the wolf was present throughout the northern hemisphere, successfully adapting to the different living conditions. To unravel these diverse conditions, the wolf had to learn to hunt the different varieties or insects, rodents or larger animals such as moose, musk ox or buffalo hunter .is very talented, but his way living has a major impediment: it is the direct competitor of man, and most of the area of ​​spreading lost in this unequal battle. Wolf is the largest species of the dog family (Canidae). This species is one of the seven that form the order of carnivores (Carnivora). [Citation needed] The two species of wolves are wolves (Canis lupus) and red wolf (Canis rufus). Wolf wolf subspecies are polar (CI arctos), the North American wolf (CI Lycaon), wolf lowland (CI campestris) and ordinary wolf (CI lupus).

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