joi, 21 mai 2015

Tiger -Panthera tigris

Tiger -Panthera tigris- is a mammal prey felidelor family, is one of four species of the genus Panthera, representative of big cats subfamily. It is the largest feline and one of the largest terrestrial predator, the polar bear and the brown after. The dimensions of a Siberian tiger at 6 months of age are comparable to those of a leopard adultt.

Tigers are characteristic dark stripes, the location of which varies from one individual to another. The body is adapted for hunting and is equipped with powerful jaws and long fangs, night vision six times better than human and developed musculature, being able to jump from a height of up to two meters with 50 kg of meat in the teeth.

Tigers feed mainly on ungulates, but can hunt monkeys, birds, fish and even other raptors, wolves, leopards and crocodiles. Have a solitary behavior and keep in solitude territories of up to 1,000 km²; These may include different landscapes: rain forests and savannahs south and north semideşerturi and taiga.

Nine tiger subspecies are recognized (all Asian territory), of which the beginning of the XXI century have been preserved only six - a total of 3,200 individuals; the largest is the Bengal tiger, whose population makes up approx. 1,700 specimens. During the twentieth century, the tiger population has fallen by 93%, so the end of the century, the species was included in the IUCN Red List and similar documents of countries. Currently, hunting or capturing tigers is prohibited in all lumeaa.

The tiger is a symbol of power and monarchy in Asian culture. Some deities are depicted on horseback Indian tigers, thus demonstrating superiority. Tiger is one of the 12 animals of the Chinese calendar symbols. His role in world culture is reflected in its recognition as a national symbol of Malaysia, India, Bangladesh and the Republic of Korea and the most beloved animal on Earth, following a poll conducted by Animal Planett.

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