sâmbătă, 23 mai 2015

Ursidele -Ursidae- or bears


Ursidele -Ursidae- or bears is a family of large carnivorous mammals of the suborder fispede, Holarctic species widespread in the region, with some species in South America. They are omnivorous animals of large, bulky and heavy, with short tail and usually hidden in the fur brushes, round head, elongated snout and usually truncated, short neck and thick, short ears and eyes relatively small. The feet have five toes fitted with powerful claws, hooked and un-retractable. Their Walking plantigrad.Urşii are strongholds of large carnivores, bulky, heavy and cumbersome. Malaysian Bear (Helarctos malayanus) is the smallest representative of the family: body length 1.2-1.5 m, weight 27-70 kg). The brown bear has a length of 2 m and a weight of 150-250 kg, while the polar bear 2.4-2.7 m in length and a weight of 400-590 kg. The highest representative is the grizzly with a length of 2.8 m and a weight of 780 kg, which is the largest carnivorous mammal today. Males are about 1/5 larger than females. They live up to 15-30 years in free and in captivity, a polar bear lived 47 years.

Bears are generally large round head and short neck and thick. The snout is long and usually truncated and lips are moving, far detached from the gum. Ears are short, straight and rounded and relatively small eyes. The tail is short, vestigial and usually hidden in the fur brushes.

The front and rear legs, moderately long, strong and thick, have five toes fitted with large claws, powerful, curved, sharp and un-retractable, which they use to tear prey, and digging the earth. The feet, the terrestrial bears are hairy and those climbers, barren.

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